Practices take place on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. We have the gyms reserved from 5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. Times and frequency of practices will be determined by both the coach and the league coordinator. Some teams may choose to practice once a week, while some may practice twice a week. Practice times are from 5:30-6:45, 6:45- 8:00 and 8:00- 9:30. We make every attempt possible to have the practices at a school near your home.

Itty Bitty League- This if for kids in grades PK, K- and any 1st graders who choose to do so- as 1st graders can also play in the 1st/2nd division. They will play with baskets that lower down to eight feet. This will be completely run by the Fox High Girls’ Basketball Coaching staff and players. They will do 30 minutes of skills and 30 minutes of games. This will take place at Fox High School on the following dates from 8-9 am; Dec. 10, 17, Jan. 7, 21, 28 and a weeknight to be named later.

By Admin